Did Campbell Clark Government Spend $100K To Get Its YouTube Hits Over The Magical 2K Mark?


Sean Holman, as a result of yet another FOI request, has discovered that the Campbell/Clark government recently spent $100,000 updating its Public Relations website.
Not surprisingly, Mr Holman got the following response when he contacted the CCGovt flackhackery:
A citizens’ services ministry spokesperson defended the renovations as being part of the Clark administration’s commitment to open up government, noting they came in “well under budget.”…
Well, isn’t that special.
And here I thought it was done in an effort to bamboozle more than a handful of British Columbians to actually watch pathetic codswallop like this:
Now, all snark aside, the most despicable part of this was that, once again, a big chunk of our money was used to pay for a secret, no-bid contract to one of the CCGovt/BC LINO party-connected pseudo-private flack-shops that got one of the secret HST PR contracts:

…According to records obtained by Public Eye via a freedom of information request, Pennsylvania-based After6 Services LLC. received $55,441 to setup the software powering the new “Digital Hub BC Newsroom.”

Another $43,085 will go to Liberal-connected Backbone Technology Ltd. That includes the $16,685 the company has already received to design the hub and another $2,000 per month to host the site.

Backbone Technology is the same firm that has worked for the BC Liberals since 2001, setting up a private intranet for its executive, as well as the party’s Website.

The company made news last month when it was disclosed the government had secretly given it a $52,746.75 contract to develop its harmonized sales tax information Website…

Does this mean that there are top-secret strategies for open government that must be protected from opening them up to open bids?