Coren is a moron

…that much was clear long before his rancid race-baiting rant about the Tottenham riots, projectile-vomited at anyone who happened to be dozing, bored to tears, in front of a TV tuned to Brian Lilley’s show on Sun News last week.  Stand back!  Incoming!

Hoho.  Black-berries, Black-thuggies.  Cute.

Many found Coren’s stinky little diatribe offensive in the extreme, and I guess it was.  But given that most of the riot footage shows a predominantly white crowd, I mostly thought it was kind of goofy: maybe a sign of some early-onset brain-rot brought on by terminal Doctrinaire Catholicism and excessive furious masturbation.  This is, after all, Coren’s shtick as a “Media Personality”: the Lonely Voice In The Wilderness Speaking Truth to Politically-Correct Power, especially regarding “race issues”.  When all you’ve got is a hammer, everything looks like a… black guy!!  No commentary from Coren on this particular topic could possibly end well.

But should he be silenced?  No.  I’d rather know such people are around, and what they’re saying, than have them slither underground to indulge their paranoid fantasies away from the harsh light of day that exposes them for the scum they are.   Besides, it’s only a matter of time until Sun TV finds out that most advertisers don’t want their brands associated with Coren-style race-rants, and that will be the end of that.

h/t: Dr.Dawg