Happy to let you do your own thing

The Conservative government has declared that if provinces want to create their own long-gun registries when they’ve finished killing the federal one, they’re welcome to do so – but not to expect any help with either existing data (citing the Privacy Act), or with money, and remain reasonably confident that almost no province will go through the time and expense. This of course plays into their incremental plans of a) smaller government, b) red meat for the base, and c) turning over increasing responsibilities to the provinces, and expecting provinces to pay for it using the tax points that the federal government has freed up. And because no provincial government wants to do that, they’re really hoping to kill this registry with a stake through the heart.

Is this our first sighting of Angry Baird in his new role of foreign affairs minster as he announces our boycott of the UN conference on nuclear disarmament so long as North Korea holds the position of rotating chair? It just might be, since it’s a bit of bombast at play. Opposition critics slam the decision as “grandstanding,” and a “missed opportunity” for us to have a positive influence on the conference.

Here’s a good analysis piece on why putting Senate elections in the hands of provincial parties is a Very Bad Thing.

Paul Wells wonders at the implied threat to our country’s future that Harper has been intimating in his past couple of speeches.

Harper, meanwhile, has been made an honorary chief of the Blood Tribe of Southern Alberta. He has apparently been given the title of “Chief Speaker” in recognition for the residential schools apology.

(I believe this photo ticks off the "Indian" box on the Village People list of costumes Harper has been working away at).

Privacy Commissioner Jennifer Stoddard is confident that Canadians won’t stand for less robust privacy standards in the event of any Canada-US perimeter security agreement.

And now that their tour of Canada (and Los Angeles) is over, it looks as though William and Kate are going to go low-profile for a while, not only to adapt to married life, but so as to not overshadow the Queen in her Diamond Jubilee year next year.
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