Fighting yesterday’s fights

The Hill Times digs through the entrails of the filibuster that was here. Andrew Coyne weighs in, considering it fighting yesterday’s fights while Parliament ignores the challenges of tomorrow (like our inability to capitalise on research and technology).

Liberal Senator Colin Kenny looks at our diminishing presence on the world stage. But hey – Canada’s Back™, everyone!

The Information Commissioner gives PCO a failing grade. Who would have thought that was going to happen?

Here’s a look at the lottery determining private members’ business in the current Parliament. And just so you know, Randall Garrison’s slot is number 38, for which he’ll re-introduce the trans rights bill.

Remember the other day we were mentioning how the government was now capping the number of foreign workers we’re accepting? Here’s a bit more on that.

Stephen Harper and daughter with Katy Perry. Because hobnobbing with celebrities totally isn’t his shtick – that was the other guys’s thing, remember?

And PEI loved William and Kate, and they apparently had a great time there too, where William even learned a Canadian helicopter manoeuvre that he can take back to England (where his current job is as a search-and-rescue helicopter pilot).
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