Time for council to bring the Ford cabal to heel

At Monday’s executive committee meeting,Ford and his not so merry band of toadies voted to turn down the provinces offer of two public health nurses at no cost to the city. This decision not only reeks of ideological blindness but abject stupidity.

At a time when Toronto is fighting a battle against a bed bug infestation and increasing rates of TB, we could have used these nurses, in fact we could use about a dozen more.

One upside is that cracks are starting to appear within the Ford cabal with , budget committee chair Mike Del Grande, public works chair Denzil Minnan-Wong, planning chair Peter Milczyn, and and parks and environment chair Norm Kelly all voting against the Ford’s wishes.

This idiotic decision can and must be overruled by council, not only because we need these nurses and to protect the interests of the citizens of this city, but to show the Ford’s that there is a limit to how much of their blind ideology that council will allow them to impose on the people they were elected to serve.