The Shipbuilding Conundrum…What Will It Really Cost Us In The End?


While I find it ironic in the extreme that a number of our current legislators who have demonstrated a penchant for union bashing in the past (and yes, we’re looking at you cookie boy) are now pitching the Seaspan shipbuilding bid to all that will listen in Ottawa, I do think it would, overall, be a good thing.
Even with the previous Clark family connection to the parent company.
Not to mention the more recent involvement of the man with many hats.
However, tucked away at the tail end of a sharp story from Rob Shaw in the Times-Colonist was the following passage which did give me just a wee bit of pause:
“….The B.C. government has yet to make a decision on how it will financially support Seaspan’s bid, but has indicated an extensive training program and “creative opportunities” would be used to boost Seaspan’s proposal.

The company has asked for tax incentives similar to the film industry, but not everyone agrees it should be given subsidies. B.C.’s eventual decision on support will be included in Seaspan’s final bid.”

Kind of makes you go hmmmmmm, and/or wonder who else might be getting set to poke their fingers into the tax credit, incentive-laden pie (see references to family connections and hats, above, for potential hints).