RailGate Resurfacing….The Auditor General Helps With The Dredging


I do this very, very rarely.
But this one is going to be pretty much a cut-and-paste job.
Because, in the wake of John Doyle’s call for a public accounting of the six million dollar RailGate gag-order, Paul Willcocks dives deep, drags the bottom with lungs bursting, and then wrestles some potentially very ugly undealt with issues back to the surface for all of us to see:
…Premier Christy Clark maintains there is no need to seek further answers in the B.C. Rail scandal.

But many questions remain.

(David) Basi and (Robert) Virk admitted taking bribes from Erik Bornman, a lobbyist and political foot soldier, and Brian Kieran, a lobbyist and former journalist. The men were lobbyists for one of the bidders for B.C. Rail.

But they were never charged.

In statements to obtain search warrants – not tested in court – police swore Bornman told them he started paying bribes to Basi even before the Liberals were elected in 2001. The money was to pay “his political support, his support in referring clients to my business and for assistance on client matters,” Bornman told police.

That suggests other well-connected people were paying for preferential “assistance” in other areas. The government seems uninterested in establishing the facts.

A police search found that Bruce Clark, a federal Liberal activist, lobbyist and Christy Clark’s brother, had B.C. Rail sale documents “improperly disclosed” by Basi and Virk. Clark was working for the Washington Marine Group, which was interested in buying the B.C. Rail line to the Roberts Bank superport.

But it’s never been explained why Basi and Virk shared the material or what Clark did with it. (Christy Clark is now lobbying the federal government to help the same company win a shipbuilding contract.)

The government has consistently ignored important questions raised by the B.C. Rail scandal. The auditor general is standing up for the public interest…

I couldn’t agree more. Especially the last part.

And remember….All that codswallop that used be flung the public’s way about how questions couldn’t be answered (or even asked) because the matter was ‘before the courts’ is now nothing but dried spittle that can no longer be licked, either in Victoria or Vancouver, or even, dare I suggest it, London England.
