Never Mind The Bomber….Bring On The Italian Stallion

Update: OK, maybe they should have inserted both into the line-up….Interesting watching/listening to entire HNIC crew ignore the long, intense boos for Bettman during trophyfest.
With the Canucks defense corps turning to swiss cheese and/or swedish chard, has it really come down to Nolan Baumgartner?
The Province’s last decent wordsmith left standing, Jason Botchford, has that story:

You knew right away Canucks head coach Alain Vigneault wasn’t in the mood to be telling the truth.

Asked how many players are hurt on his team Tuesday, he said: “Everybody is fine.”
Sure. Take that for what’s it worth, and it’s not much. Vigneault also said both Alex Edler and Andrew Alberts, who left Game 6 early, “will be fine.”
Does that mean they’ll be fine today or next week?
His suggestion was clearly that both Alberts and Edler are expected to play.
That’s great news for the Canucks, if true, because the other options were among the black aces Tuesday – Keith Ballard and Nolan Baumgartner are not ideal…..

Now, as you may have surmised, I’m all for journeymen getting their brief, shining moments in the sun.
But if it has come to this, why not got whole hog and bring in a real horse for the closing, one who just missed his only real shot the first time around back when that damnable towel waving was actually invented.
Because, despite all that, Bob Manno can still only be a year or two older than Dino Recchi.
And then there is that small matter of the casts…..