Dizzy Miss Lizzy Now Just Part of The Establishment Woodwork, Along With Senator Porky Puffy Duffy

Various reactions to the highlights of the throne speech show in the form of  ex-senate page’s  Brigitte Depape’s protest in the middle of the floor, flashing her “Stop Harper” sign (see more details from Jymn’s post) yesterday had the usual reactions and  yielded a few surprises.

First from Senator Porky Puffy Duffy, who seems to think that democracy is now a security issue.  No, I’m not kidding.

Mike Duffy, a Conservative senator, said “stunts” such as the one DePape pulled Friday hurt democracy, rather than further it.

“These things are unfortunate because every time there’s some kind of event like this it means security gets tightened,” Duffy said. “And we want this to be the people’s place, where people can come and talk to politicians and make their point, and so now who knows what the end result will be, but it will not be more relaxed security. It will mean tighter security.

In danger of what, Senator Porky Puffy?  Tight security for what? What were you afraid of? That Ms Depape was going to walk up to Stevie Spiteful and wack him with her little sign?  That she would throw her sign like  a frisbee in the direction of  the newly minted bible thumping speaker? That some of the new Harpercon MPs might actually listen to what she had to say?  Get a grip, senator!

As for Dizzy Miss Lizzy, she’s shown that she is now part of the parlimentary establishment woodwork. She said that the protest was “inappropriate and in the wrong place”.  Yes, she’s home, now.

I wish folks would stop thinking of  Dizzy Miss Lizzy as progressive.  Between being pro-life and pro income splitting, she’s anything but.

Hands up, anyone who thinks she voted for the bible thumping theocrat, jr Stockwell Day for speaker, rather than someone else, like say, Denise Savoie?