Const. Glenn Weddell–a thug unmasked [updated]


Once again, journalists have moved in where police “watchdogs” fear to tread.

The Toronto Star has now established the identity of the sadistic cop who viciously assaulted a member of the public during the Toronto G20 last year. Identifying him had proved too much for the toothless and lackadaisical Special Investigations Unit (SIU).

I suspect I’m not alone in feeling a good deal safer with folks like Jayme Poisson and Rosie diManno on the job than with ten “oversight” outfits offering the usual accountability theatre.

Why not disband the SIU, and the equally useless OIPRD (which recently exonerated several uniformed goons videotaped as they worked over Stacy Bonds in Ottawa)? Just set up a standing committee of journos, give them the resources they need (many of which they already appear to have, in fact), and turn them loose. Anyone have a better suggestion at this point?

[H/t RJMcClelland on Twitter]

UPDATE: Glenn Weddell has now been formally charged with assault causing bodily harm. Kudos, I think, is due the Toronto Star.

Readers will now, please, mentally insert a question-mark in the hed, the word “allegedly” before “sadistic cop” in the text, and “allegedly” again before “viciously” in the same sentence.