The Decline Of The US Empire & The Rising Star Of Mexico
I’ve written extensively and in depth, for decades, in two published books and over a thousand published articles, with tens of thousands of references, on the rapidly shifting state of…
I’ve written extensively and in depth, for decades, in two published books and over a thousand published articles, with tens of thousands of references, on the rapidly shifting state of…
An excellent, important video was the inspiration for this short post (linked here, below) from a generally lackluster podcast. The musings arising after watching the video, however, I would say…
Climate change is real, but the WEF billionaire-run, corporate-fascist oligarchy is not the saviour of humanity or the Earth – they are the principle devourers of both. We need to…
In the wake of voting for our 44th Parliament, there are numerous calls out there to move Canada to some form of Proportional Representation (PR). I am sympathetic to these…
We should remember that the cult of authority, the cult of obedience, and the cult of conformity, are profoundly anti-intellectual, anti-science, anti-empirical, and anti-democratic, as well as extremely dangerous. And…
(Comment below after listening to the most important three minutes of info you are likely to hear in decades, or have likely ever heard. Noam Chomsky on The Crisis Of…
Has this election awakened Canadians to the need for proportional representation? The results of a recent Angus Reid poll certainly suggest so. From the support of under half the electorate…
THE NDP NEVER DID EXPLAIN… WHAT IS WRONG W/ RANKED BALLOT?! In case you forgot, the House of Commons Special Committee on Electoral Reform, AKA ERRE, was an all-party Parliamentary…
Here’s an irony. I’m forced to vote Liberal (again) because Justin Trudeau betrayed me. No, it doesn’t make any sense and, furthermore, it pisses me off. But that’s just the…
Advocates of proportional representation (PR) make a powerful case. They claim that our current electoral system, first-past-the-post (FPTP), is not democratic. They are right. More often than not a political…
The Trudeau Liberals returned to power on October 19, 2015. In the last year they’ve done some things I’ve disagreed with, and some things I approve of. I’ll list them…
High profile public relations firm Navigator announces it’s no longer representing beleaguered former CBC radio host Jian Ghomeshi. The post PR Firm Navigator Dumps Jian Ghomeshi appeared first on The…
If Americans often seem uninformed or misinformed about current affairs, it may be because they get more propaganda than news. There are now five times as many public relations experts…
A major goal in a propaganda war is to frame the issue on your terms. For example, in labour disputes, businesses (and their political and media allies) often claim the…
3 years ago, I deleted my Google+ account in protest of its real name only policy. At the time, I stated that if Google+ were to reverse its real name…
Last week: Elliott Rodger’s murdered six people in Isla Vista, California because of his hatred of women, whom he blamed for a life of “loneliness, rejection, and unfulfilled desires.” Hours…
Remember sustainable development? Me, too. Under the Harper government™, sustainable development of the environment has all but gone the way of the dodo… And now, the Harper government™ has removed…
Coronations are not held after 104,552 votes are counted, nor are coronations held in hotel conference rooms. *COUGH* Congratulations/Félicitations Justin Trudeau! SCC
In an effort to modernize the language of its constitution, NDP delegates voted to excise the word “socialism”, like a tumour. Anyone with a thesaurus can tell you that “sustainable…
Who To Trust: The Short Answer
Who to trust? That is always a perennial question, and particularly now, when not only government, corporations, politicians and corporate and state media have repeatedly been shown to have lied,…