A Conspiracy So Immense
It’s a common theme in today’s political analysis to argue that Donald Trump broke America. Looking at the ongoing dumpster fire that is the Repugnican Party, the rise of white…
It’s a common theme in today’s political analysis to argue that Donald Trump broke America. Looking at the ongoing dumpster fire that is the Repugnican Party, the rise of white…
This and that for your Tuesday reading. – Rupert Neate writes about the twelve-figure tax avoidance by the U.S.’ largest tech firms, while noting that Amazon stands out as the…
We’re all “cultural Marxists” now, I guess. Consider Jason Kenney and the Legislative caucus of the ephemerally named political entity known as the United Conservative Party. (By which I mean,…
PHOTOS: Calgary-Fish Creek MLA Richard Gotfried, at right, and an unidentified friend. (Photo grabbed from Mr. Gotfried’s Facebook page.) Below: Mr. Gotfried with Progressive Conservative Party Leader Jason Kenney and…
PHOTOS: Kevin Davediuk, whose appointment as a senior public sector negotiator by the Alberta Government was announced on March 9. (Screenshot of Global News broadcast.) Below: Recently retired Canadian ambassador…
In 1954, when the U.S. Senate voted to censure Wisconsin Republican Joseph R. McCarthy, a man whose motivations were deemed “evil and unmatched in malice,” it closed the book on…
Blaine Calkins (CPC – Wetaskiwin) and the 5 other government MPs have called for David McGuinty and Justin Trudeau to answer questions at the the House Natural Resources Committee. They…
Written by Justin Elliott | ProPublica On a Saturday afternoon last February, journalist Carl Bernstein got up on stage at the grand ballroom of the Waldorf Astoria in Manhattan and…
This and that for your Thursday reading. – Mitchell Anderson discusses the Ten Commandments that have ensured that Norway’s oil wealth is preserved for the benefit of citizens. But it’s…
Assorted content for your weekend reading. – Bruce Johnstone and the Star-Phoenix editorial board both join the voices decrying the Cons’ decision to throw parliamentary democracy under their omnibus budget…
Miscellaneous material for your mid-week reading. – Among the other possible tests in an impending Etobicoke Centre by-election, here’s one I’ll be curious to watch: will attention to the Robocon…
Assorted content to end your week. – Since the Cons don’t seem to have much else in their quiver at the moment, I’m sure they’ll keep trying to pretend that…
In Tuesday’s Huffington Post Cameron Fenton, National Director of the Canadian Youth Climate Coalition, wrote an excellent article about the Harper government’s hounding of environmentalists and First Nations opposed to…
Rep. Allen West says 78-81 democrats in the US Congress are also members of the Communist Party. This syndrome is also known as paranoia. I hope he gets help. Ed…
It certainly looks that way as the Harpercons and the RCMP turn Canada into a more McArthyesque place to live. Apparently, one Mr. John Allsop became a “person of interest”…
I remember when that hideous dumb on crime omnibus bill was first tabled and the noon hour “Free For All” show, starring Ric Petersen, Aaron Rand and of course, Tea-baggin’…
Yes, that would be the same Eric Duhaime, the one who begged the feds, not once, but twice, to somehow intervene in the construction scandal woes in la Belle province,…
This is one sick story. A prof made the following statement: "'All Jews should be sterilized' would be an example of an unacceptable and dangerous opinion". One student jumped on…
Yes, ol’ Giorgio Mammoliti has been really becoming unhinged as of late. McCarthyism is indeed alive and well over at City Hall. A Facebook group that won’t allow ‘commies’, although,…
While we're on the subject of journalistic ethics, let me just cite pogge and thwap. They've already said it better than I can.From pogge:Every year or two I find a…