While we’re on the subject of journalistic ethics, let me just cite pogge and thwap. They’ve already said it better than I can.
From pogge:
Step 1) Cause something (bad) to happen through your reporting.Step 2) Report on this (bad) thing from the perspective of an innocent bystander.And then you just repeat indefinitely.
Whether the NDP has tossed a rope down to allow the Liberal Party of Canada to clamber back up out of the grave is something I’m not prepared to speculate upon, nor is it something I’m inclined to speculate upon.
I’ll let the voters decide. And I can’t predict that.
It does show that the Liberals are looking to knock the NDP off from its perch as the second party in Canada. For the issues of economic and foreign policy, I hope they fail. I hope, for reasons of foreign and economic policy, that the NDP hews closer to the principles of former BQ voters in Quebec. Because given the failure of mainstream (read: harpercon and Liberal) economic and foreign policies, the NDP might just find that adhering to Quebeckers values will resonate with more and more people in English Canada.
It’s just this sort of stupidity from the Village that’s brought us to the point we’re at now. I’m not carrying water for anyone, but if the NDP chooses not to play this game by these rules, then I say good on them. The reaction from the political and media establishment will, of course, be furious — and predictable. That’s up to them. Whether we allow it to matter is up to us.
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- Opposing the #HarperRegime: thinking strategically over the next four years
- Woodward and Bernstein are dead
- Working against a permanent Conservative majority
- Things fall apart, the centre cannot hold