long-gun registry
Quebec to sue Ottawa over access to gun registry data
Quebec's Public Security Minister Robert Dutil After tabling legislation in late October that would abolish the long gun registry, Prime Minister Stephen Harper let the other shoe drop: that in…
On Insensitive Douchebags & Swine of the Week Award
Insensitive Douchebaggery was a popular item this week, flying off the shelves like half-price X-Boxes at Walmart on Black Friday (but without the pepper spray, heart attacks and constabulary boots…
December 6, 22nd Anniversary of the Polytechnique Massacre–With Every Passing Year, We Seem To Keep Going Backward
Here we are again, boys ‘n’ girls, another somber December 6; another year has come and gone and it is time again to commemorate the Polytechnique Massacre when fourteen young…
Dec 6: Time for men to start speaking up about violence against women
On this day in 1989, a terrible act of violence was perpetrated in our country against a group of young women. So we use this National Day of Remembrance and…
Tory recipe for happiness: save money and gain self esteem by scrapping the gun registry!
Why should I have to register my flying car? I’m a law-abiding driver! Civilian variants of the $100-million-plus F-35, without working radios, may not be exactly as illustrated. Below, Edmonton…
I Knew The Scrapping of The Long Gun Registry Was Never About Farmers and Hunters
The above image is a ruger mini-14 semi-automatic. Tell me, boys ‘n’ girls, does that look like something that would be required to shoot ducks and other game? I didn’t…
All wanna-be owners of 50 caliber sniper rifles, rejoice
.. for soon, the yoke of government oppression will be lifted from you: The powerful Ruger Mini-14 semi-automatic rifle (were) used in the 1989 Montreal massacre and this summer’s Norway…
Destroying long gun registry records could wake up Canadians to Cons’ petty and authoritarian nature
In a perverse way, I do hope the Conservatives destroy the long gun registry records. Vic Toews' reasoning for the move says everything Canadians need to know about the majority…
Gun Registry Data, 2007
...presumably the last year before the feds suspended it. Get it before the feds pull it down. Good on Glen McGregor from the Ottawa Citizen.
The Harper government are little boys who’ve never grown up
When I was in grade school, my friend J - I'll spare him the mention - and I used to like to break things. We'd set leaves on fire with…
Stephen Harper’s questionable respect for democracy
When Stephen Harper won a majority government this last May, I wrote that one litmus test for the next four years would be regarding his respect for transparency, parliamentary procedures,…
Bravo, Quebec – will other provinces follow?
In a Conservative majority Parliament, it will be the provinces that will at times have to oppose the Conservative right-wing agenda, and Quebec is doing so with the long-gun registry:…
It’s so the cops know what’s on the other side of the door
...when they respond to the domestic violence call.
Wow, they’re really doing it
Holy Remington… they’re doing it. The CPC’s promise to “scrap the wasteful and ineffective long gun registry” — in exactly those words, the better to optimize the propaganda value —…
Vote Only Once And Never Have To Vote Again! Get Future Gov’t Policies For The Unforeseen Future, No Matter Who’s Governing!
Susan Delacourt points this out in her blog this morning. Some examples are cited. One of which, the most obvious and recent, was in this legislation to scrap the long…
Open fire on the long gun registry
While I certainly don’t agree with the decision to abolish the long gun registry, I can say that I understand why the government is doing it: mainly to appease their…
Thoughts on the long gun resgistry’s future – or its potential future incarnation
The Conservatives have decided to go even further then they previously stated in going after the destruction of the long-gun registry – now, not only will they kill it, they…
Valhalla Awaits!
Its seems to be Final Conflict time re the gun registry, brothers & sisters. Lets have the argument one more time, because whenever we do the polls eventually tip 2-to-1…
Jane Taber and Candy Hoeppner Are Now Into Fiction: Part 2–Inconsistencies Between Scrapping C-391 And Tough On Crime Agenda
Part 2 doesn’t really have anything to do with Janie Taber’s little apparent attempt at fiction regarding Candy getcherguns Hoeppner’s little ego trip, but it did raise questions in mind…