In a perverse way, I do hope the Conservatives destroy the long gun registry records. Vic Toews’ reasoning for the move says everything Canadians need to know about the majority party (emphasis mine):
Public Safety Minister Vic Toews (Provencher, Man.) told the Commons last week the government intends to destroy the registry’s vast and likely complex records on long guns to prevent the NDP from attempting to “reinstate” the program should it win power in the next election.
If the NDP (and the Liberals) had any kind of effective PR department, the above statement could be a powerful weapon to demonstrate how the Conservatives not only do things to destroy what they don’t like but that they will do anything to prevent others from having the opportunity to exercise their rights.
The gun registry move by the Conservatives has many facets that can be used to criticize the party but this statement encapsulates the Conservative Personality Disorder (CPD) unlike few others. Or as Dr. Dawg puts it, “Conservatism: not a politics, but a disorder”. Just like squirrels hiding their stash. That’s the Conservatives in a nutshell.
It’s time for the opposition to turn the tables and fight back. If the CBC can do it ….