Stupid Sex Tricks: How NOT to hug a tree
Environmentalism: Ur doin it rong. Also, stay the fuck off of drugs. And bros on drugs.
Environmentalism: Ur doin it rong. Also, stay the fuck off of drugs. And bros on drugs.
This…is unbefuckinglievable. This is the sort of shit that would have been done 50 years ago. It’s also the sort of shit Canada isn’t supposed to be doing anymore. And…
Yes, kiddies, your auntie Bina is still under the weather. But since laughter is supposed to be the best medicine, let’s take the Rick Mercer cure, shall we? Oof. Just…
I am the daughter of a breast cancer survivor. And I have just sworn never again to buy another “Pink for the Cure” (or whatever they call it) thing. Not…
And as usual, Miss Piggy gets the best lines.
Yes, it’s true. Don’t believe me? Watch this… And then read this, and tell me if you don’t think so. Here, I’ll even excerpt a few key passages for you……
Today’s entry in the annals of rotten cop behavior is a two-fer. First, from Florida, a disturbing case of racist elder abuse, caught on dashcam (despite the cop’s efforts to…
150 computer factory workers had to be talked down from a “suicide jump” in protest of lousy working conditions at the infamous Foxconn. This would not have made the news…
The clearest, most concise explanation yet of why the Keystone XL pipeline project, which would ferry dirty tar-sands oil from Alberta to Texas, must not proceed. Yes, all this talk…
(Logo from the infamous Dave Rabbit sweatshirt, a limited-edition Vietnam War pirate radio joke product. Back story, in case you’re interested, here.) Pardon my Anglo-Saxon and the explicit artwork, but…
Justin Trudeau, Liberal MP for Papineau, explains why he lost his shit at so-called environment minister Peter Fucking Kent yesterday in the House of Commons. He apologizes for his intemperate…
Q. How does one get to be Minister of the Environment without any scientific knowledge whatsoever? A. By being a faithful, appointed HarpoCon hack beforehand, and then coasting into office…
Yes, this is satire. But it has a very large, uncracked grain of truth in it. Can you spot it?
…it makes the odd news headlines: “Shark in a boat” seems so last month. Now it’s “shark in the forest.” A call to police reporting an unusual odor on Thursday…