Radio Freethinker on Tuesday
Just a quick post tonight. On Tuesday afternoon, I’ll be on CITR’s Radio Freethinker show talking about all the latest news from the BC Humanists. The show runs for a…
American Secular Stainless Steel Ring
Some of my most popular blog posts remains my rejection of the iron ring posts based on the religious references that I wasn’t allowed to strike. Every few weeks I…
Vancouver’s Freethought Movement Grows
Today was a very good day. This morning the trend of increasingly successful BCHA meetings continued, with just over thirty humanists gathering at the Oakridge Seniors’ Centre for a discussion…
Draw Mohammed Day 2012
I forgot today was the third annual Draw Mohammed Day, a popular internet movement born out of frustration with violent reactions to simple parodies such as cartoons. While I had…
The Atheist Census–obnoxious and obscure marketing?
Atheists tend to be a very skeptical bunch – at least those who participate in online communities, so when an email arrives in my inbox titled “AtheistCensus Mailing List –…
Dan Savage and Some High School Kids
Dan Savage is talking to some high school age kids at a conference about journalism. When the subject turns to homosexuality in the bible a bunch of them walk out.…
On unnecessarily codifying specific freedoms such as the freedom of religion
Should there be explicit protection for the freedom of religion in the founding documents of society? This question may at first seem to be an obvious ‘yes’ since almost everyone…
Religious Beliefs in the Public Square
Richard Dawkins provocatively suggests that the superstitious religious beliefs of politicians should be more openly challenged. “You challenge a candidate about his beliefs about taxation, about military policy, and so…
CFI Canada: Where are they now?
I haven’t really written about Justin Trottier or CFI Canada since last December, so perhaps it’s a good time to do a “Where are they now” post. I’ll start with…
ode to a hero: attorney for the damned (with thanks to jill lepore)
Clarence Darrow was one of my earliest heroes. I first encountered Darrow in the guise of Spencer Tracy, who portrayed the lawyer in the 1960 movie “Inherit the Wind”. Darrow…
Just Too Dumb to Be an Atheist
There I’ve said it. I’m just too damned dumb to accept atheism. And, the way I see it, so are you even if you won’t admit it… yet. It’s the…
PZ Myers takes on Jonathan Kay’s exhortation that we should all read the bible
A fellow blogger recently speculated that Jonathan Kay is actually one of the more moderate Conservative writers. I had my doubts but nodded reluctantly. I wish I had read this…
So Long, Hitch
Christopher Hitchens died yesterday. His voice will be missed tremendously, maybe even grudgingly by some of those with whom he disagreed so vehemently about many things, not least of which,…
A Simple Statement Of (Rationalist/Atheist) Creed
It is high time to realize that it is not wise to continue indulging irrational, ideology-driven, religious-driven, science-rejecting, mendacious, folks by allowing them to spew their bullshit without being called…