This Is Commonplace

So apparently Lisa Raitt's behavior was commonplace.Here's something else I don't understand... Lisa Raitt supposedly had these documents out at CTV to brief for her interview. Was her interview about…

New Tory Drug Law

According to The Montreal Gazette, A federal bill to impose automatic jail terms for drug crimes, for the first time in Canada, is headed for passage in the House of…


So the opposition want Lisa Raitt to resign over the fact that secret documents were left at CTV for almost a week. I can see the rationale, especially since Harper…

thanks michael bryant

Michael Bryant recently announced that he's leaving provincial politics to become the CEO of Invest Toronto. Michael is a rock in the McGuinty cabinet and an extremely valuable asset to…

Chalk River

So the Nuclear Reactor in Chalk River, that currently supplies up to 80% of global medical isotopes has been shut down again. The reactor has been plagued with problems ever…

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