a sad day for canadian political journalism

Sources have confirmed that CBC is in fact cancelling their “Politics” show. Now that Don Newman is retiring, CBC has decided not to replace him. This is sad and dissappointing news for Canadian political journalism. Cancelling “Politics” is equivalent to cancelling “Meet the Press” in the United States. Like Meet the Press, Politics with Don Newman is a main source of Canadian political news for myself and for Canadians everywhere. Don Newman is well respected amongst legistlators from all political stripes and provides a very unique and bi-partisan edge to informing Canadians about the going-ons in political trench-warfare. Despite his retirement, I am absolutely confident that someone can fill his shoes and continue this long-standing Canadian tradition (maybe have the members of the At-Issue Panel take over at the hosts). Its alternatives like CTV’s Question Period just doesn’t measure up!Maybe Stephen Harper and his anti-CBC goons are behind this! (when in doubt, blame the Tories!)

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