
Puppy Love

April Reign Nothing of great social or political import just some cute shots of the dog. April Reign – In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a…

Storm pics

April Reign So yesterday July 19 marks year 27 of married life. also huge storm. There was either a mini tornado or a downburst and there is so much damage.…

Ashes to Ashes

April Reign Gizmodo has an article on designs that differ from the usual burial experience. Some are wonderful, the wind chime I’m not as sure about. April Reign – In…

Classy Move Kickstarter

April Reign Following Facebook’s example of giving sexist, abusive douchebags a free pass, Kickstarter is refusing to take down Redditor Ken Hoinsky’s dating advice book. Above the Game: A Guide…

Devaluing Teenage Girls

April Reign This is so well said and needs said more often; “As soon as teenage girls start to profess love for something, everyone else becomes totally dismissive of it.…

Harper Knows Best

April Reign Ever wondered if the whole Father Knows Best sweater vest persona Harper puts on is just a show to appeal to his social conservative base? Well wonder no…

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