One of my real New Year’s resolutions (as opposed to the faux ones) is to ride more and drive less.
I still ride everyday, but rarely all the way to and from work because I have the bike in the VW (notso)Microbus and get it out after I drop of littler e. at school etc. which is 3/4 of the way there.
Before I get going on the trips to the Western Edge of Lotusland from the Near Eastern Townships for real again, I have to buy a new bike as I currently monopolize C’s.
And, I haven’t done the buying yet.
So I don’t have any new bike stories yet.
But I am working on the next story-cast.
And one of the things I am fiddling with is a bit of a dissection of Robert Stone’s childhood and his first novel (because I am one of the few that actually loves the movie that arose from the latter).
Which somehow led me to Darnielle (for some of the background music).
And I have decided that I will never, ever miss seeing that man if he comes within 200 miles of where I live (assuming he will always come up to Seattle at the very least if he makes it to Portlandia).
And if anybody has any advice on hybrids in the 700-800 dollar range, let me know, would’ya.