February 2022

Who are they?

Video captured by CTV News appeared to show several protesters surrounding, harassing and intimidating a crew from the CBC. Two men could also be seen spitting at the journalists Link…

Monday Afternoon Links

Miscellaneous material to start your week. – Alexandra Hutzler reports that even a majority of Americans seeing mask mandates lifted aren’t prepared to buy the line that it’s safe to…

Drowning in Greenwash

November, 2015. A newly elected Canadian prime minister took to the floor of the Paris Climate Summit and proclaimed “Canada’s back.” The climate pariah, Stephen Harper, had been vanquished. Canada…

"Useful Idiots"

Andrew Nikiforuk has always been a very credible journalist. I don’t dismiss his work lightly and neither should you. His latest column, however, will trigger some of you to skepticism.…

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