July 2019

July 24: to hell with everybody…

https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/jul/24/summers-second-heatwave-set-to-break-records-across-europe https://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/climate-change-2000-years-1.5222258 https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/europe-heat-wave-breaks-records-could-go-even-higher-1.5224284 Hey! Don’t worry. The Conservative party says it ain’t happenin’. And they know things. Look. We have thrown away thirty years when we should have taken action.…

Trump Punked

Pretty hilarious. On Tuesday, Donnie J. Trump gave an address to a conservative youth group, Turning Point USA. As Trump approached the podium, the presidential seal was displayed on a…

A tar sands story

Canadian Natural Resources, Canada’s largest oil and gas producer, has set an ambitious goal regarding greenhouse gas emissions. It has announced that by applying advanced technology, including carbon capture and…

Thursday Morning Links

This and that for your Thursday reading. – Derrick O’Keefe writes that our federal election should be focusing on the growing climate crisis, not being sidetracked by such trivialities as…

New column day

Here, on how the meat and dairy industries alone are offering far too many examples of how entrenched corporate interests are using both government power and their own clout to…

David Caplan, RIP

I am in the Yukon but was shocked to hear about the passing last night of my friend David Caplan. He was a genial, thoughtful man, and a great minister.…

It’s Up To The Democrats

Robert Mueller has had his time before the House of Representatives. And E.J. Dionne doesn’t mince any words: President Trump and his Republican apologists — including his defense lawyer who…

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