May 2019

Free Max Bernier analogy

They liked it over on Twitter. He's the porch light of Canadian politics: he attracts all the bugs and the creepy-crawlies. You end up using less insecticide, because they're all…

Tuesday Morning Links

This and that for your Tuesday reading. – Peter Eavis points out how U.S. CEOs are only seeing their exorbitant pay soar even further due to Donald Trump’s tax giveaways.…

Too Good Not To Share

Rabid partisanship being what it is, Twitter user Mike Vlasic offers this perspective: Reminds me of the old "Niagara Falls" sketch, where the words trigger violent outbursts. Similar to the…

The New Mass Media

Chris Hedges writes that there have been three media revolutions in the last thirty-five years: the rise of right-wing radio and Fox-style TV news that abandon the media’s faux objectivity,…

Copp out

In one of my books, The War Room, I have a chapter called the Scandal Handle Manual. Here’s a bit of it: None of us Chrétienites hated Martin or Gomery,…

Independents Day

The day that many in the Canadian political scene has been waiting for has come. Both Jody Wilson-Raybould and Jane Philpott held press conferences in their ridings, announcing their intentions…

Independents day

“I did my job and spoke the truth…I will work with integrity.” @Puglaas on the three things @JustinTrudeau lacks. #cdnpoli — Warren Kinsella (@kinsellawarren) May 27, 2019 One of…

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