May 2019

On sound rejections

The Saskatchewan Court of Appeal’s decision rejecting the Moe government’s attacks on federal carbon pricing is worth a read in no small part for the general acceptance of a climate…

Monday Morning Links

Miscellaneous material to start your week. – Sigal Samuel reports on Gary Bloch’s work in prescribing secure incomes to address health problems arising out of poverty. And Murtada Haizer and…

Pay To Slay

That’s what critics are calling Bill 108, the “More Homes, More Choice Act,” introduced stealthily, as the cowardly are wont to do, by the Ford regime in Ontario. Buried in…

For Which People?

Since the Ford Conservatives in Ontario released their first budget a few weeks ago, we’ve seen trickles and trickles of news come out about either details from that budget buried…

Returning soon

April 2019 marked the tenth birthday of this online site. I say thank you to regular readers who participate with comments and make these sections interesting and informative. Special thanks…

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