May 2019

Monday Morning Links

Miscellaneous material to start your week. – Daniel Drenzer reviews Joseph Stiglitz’ People, Power and Profits, while noting the importance of pairing progressive policy ideas with a plan for implementation.…

Ontario’s Deficit

Doug Ford claims that Ontario has a deficit because the previous government spent too much money. However, if you look behind the numbers, a different story emerges. Linda McQuaig writes:…

Bankrupt Ontario.

You had no idea that Ontario was bankrupt, did you? We find that conservatives seem to have a very different definition of bankrupt than most bankers and economists. The other…

The “feminist”

Ah, The Feminist. There he was again, last week, sleeves rolled up, tie loosened. All moist-eyed sincerity, all sotto voce. The Feminist had just athletically jogged down a flight of…

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