August 2012

Not a good time to be in Syria On Tuesday, over the strenuous objections of the Syrian National Council leadership, rebel forces chose to summarily execute leaders of an Aleppo clan that is notoriously loyal to the…

A Crisis of Credibility

Credibility. Credibility is what’s necessary to have the moral authority to govern or even to be believed and taken seriously what-so-ever. A person’s credibility is built (depending on what they…

Chick-Fil-A Rebellion!

Wow! Pictures don’t lie! From on-line reports, I’m seeing literally dozens of almost entirely old white folk supporting a restaurant that would jail homosexuals. As a Liberal, I am feeling…

Wood Mountain Hail

There was a bit of hail in Wood Mountain today; the ground turned white at the park. @canadogreg Friend at Wood Mountain park took this one— Riley Fafard (@RilesFaf)…

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