August 2012

They send mail

Lawyers, that is. Nancy Leblanc at Impolitical reproduces the text of an open letter to Jason Kenney signed by more than 80 Ontario lawyers. They seem to be a bit…

New column day

Here, on how the Gateway pipeline serves as a prime example as to why governments shouldn’t be too quick to minimize environmental assessment processes. For further reading…– Robyn Allan’s latest…

Resuming the blog

I apologize that my posting rate has dropped to zero. It has been an incredibly hectic summer. I finally finished my book and have begun paying off my time debt…

Another No

A week after the premiers invited Stephen Harper to their next meeting on the economy, he rejected the invitation — again. He does G8 and G20 summits. And he certainly…

Even lawyers…

…80 of them, in fact, are sure that CPC attack dawg, Jason Kenney, lied about his involvement in the “repatriation” of Conrad Black! Watch out J-boy! When 4 score of…

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