… with his contemptible, sanctimonious hypocrisy.
With regard to @Vikileaks30, the sordid details of Toews’ personal life were not “leaked.” They were set out in documents available to anyone with reasonably effective research skills. There was no breach of the law, so there’s nothing to investigate.
I can’t really improve on the Dawg’s description, so I’ll just cite it here:
Oh, but it gets better. The Minister apparently doesn’t even know what’s in the legislation he’s spearheading.
This after accusing critics of the bill of standing with child pornographers, and then trying to walk that back.
Sanctimony, hypocrisy, disgusting personal conduct, and a vindictive authoritarian streak, coupled with a willingness to smear opponents and whine like a coward when his own dirty laundry gets an airing.
Resign? What the fuck for? This guy’s the pride of the Harper cabinet.
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