In August of last year while on a tour of South America, most notable for his bathroom misadventures, Harper signed a free trade agreement with the leaders of the Honduran coup. In justifying his actions Harper stated that the agreement would lead to an improved human rights atmosphere for the Honduran people.
Well as any semi intelligent person can tell you that when poor farmers are being slaughered to make way for the nations rich palm oil plantation owners and Canadian tourist operators, increasing the market for their product can only lead to even more of the same. As course it has,but Harper knew this at the time, but hey what’s a few peasant lives when there are profits to be made.
As the LA Times and Rights Action have pointed out Honduras is now known as the murder capital of the world. Quite a distinction for one of Canada’s trading partners and military allies.
No Mr Harper Free Trade Does Not Improve Human Rights
Canada’s Free Trade in Oppression
More free trade in oppression: Honduras: The Deadliest Place in the World for a Journalist
An Open Letter To Harper From The Women Of Honduras