This piece of historical snark from Canadian Cynic via Sister Sage’s Musings says it all:
Stand back and admire the brush strokes of the hypocrisy of those who chastise the Occupy movement. The truth is that the media elite so critical of the Occupy movement are too lazy and/or too dim to explore anything beyond their next latte. Then consider Margaret Wente or Kathy Shaidle and all the other journos (and welfare bloggers) as they look down their noses at the people who are investing themselves in a movement that takes time from their jobs, their families, their treasured too little leisure time.
Think instead about our journalists as they stew at traffic lights in their BMWs and Mercedes when the lights at traffic stops don’t turn green fast enough for them. Feel for the rage these poor privileged souls harbour for the actually poor folks who can’t afford BMWs or Mercedes but instead invest themselves of working for a better world.
If there are any victims of the Occupy movement it is truly the wealthy, the journalists, the privileged few who got where they are at not because of hard work or diligence or doing the right thing but because they have a gift that was given to them and they were lucky enough to recognize that gift. The privileged will gladly take whatever is given them and spit on those whose lives haven’t been so rosy and for whom chances have not been so benevolent.