Here’s to the Land of the People Rising…
Who see the Golden Era….Now is cached with rust…
Who stared down the Leader…Iron fist soon turned to dust…
“Is it ironic, or just plain weird, that while only nine per cent of British Columbians currently hold a positive view of Gordon Campbell, close to 100 per cent of the mainstream media remain deeply infatuated with our soon-to-be ex-premier?…
…It actually is shocking how loathe are the mainstream media to undertake even a minimal amount of research — especially when so much of B.C.’s fiscal information is readily available online or in public libraries. Would it have been so very difficult for the Globe, Sun or (CKNW’s Bill) Good to spend even a few minutes analyzing Campbell’s fiscal accomplishments before declaring that he belongs in the pantheon of B.C. “greats”?….
So, in the end it turns out that even the great leader had to admit, if only jokingly, that, despite the continued fawning of the above mentioned media right to the bitter end (and beyond?), there was only one thing more unpopular than the dreaded HST.
And that was….
Above video of the rusted-out, iron fistless one’s retort to a rush-through-the-hallway question from the Globe’s Justine Hunter was captured by Sean Holman. Of course, Public Eye reported both the question and the answer….To the best of our knowledge the Globe did not.