A sticky sweet situation for Conservative MP

No, that’s not a heavy metal singer. But it is just in time for Hallowe’en.

If you asked Conservative MP David Sweet in 2002 what he thought of homosexuality, his answer would have been deeply negative, if not incendiary. As president of the icky men-only Promise Keepers during that time, he would have probably told you that ‘homosexuality is a bad practice’.

So what is David Sweet doing appearing in the infamous anti-bullying video honouring a gay teen? He won’t say. Brave of him. (Courage seems to be virulent with the Cons lately.)

    I found this especially interesting tidbit from the Wiki page for the Promise Keepers:

    The group was also criticized for doctrinal compromises and inconsistent doctrines. Dr. Raymond Hartwig, president of the South Dakota district of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, commented: “They use the Bible in a very simplistic form, as a springboard to jump into the law.'”

    Sounds positively Harperish, doesn’t it?

    So the question remains, what is a whack job like David Sweet doing in a video dedicated to a gay teen?

    By Jymn

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