The Evil That Ms. Clark Does.



Les Leyne, in the VT-C, weighed in today on ‘Christy’s’ atrocious attack ads on the feeble, but poll numbers rising, leader of the BC Conservative party, Mr. John Cummins.

And Mr. Leyne is correct.

The ads from Ms. Clark and her political party are atrocious.

But I do not agree with Mr. Leyne’s assessment that these ads, and the website that they direct people to, are nothing more than a bad strategic mistake and ‘clumsy’.


Because, clearly, Ms. Clark and her handlers considered all options before they decided to throw every last shred of integrity that she, and they, still have left out the window so that they could go negative and offensive, unprovoked.

But why would they do such a thing?

I’ll tell you why.

Because, as right-sided American Pols of a certain rat-f*cking kind have demonstrated over and over and over again for the last two generations , the ‘Politics of Destruction’ works.

In real-politick, nut-cutting terms that is.

And now, in the wake of the more recent, but just effective, tactics of Stephen Harper and the Ford Bros. in Toronto, Canadian pols know that it works up here too.

Which is why the proMedia calling this crap ‘clumsy’ is just not enough.

Not by a longshot.

Instead, it is their duty to get up on their hind-legs and call this stuff what it really is, which is pure, straight-up, pre-meditated nonsensical soul-destroying double-speak that is designed to win elections by sucking the heart right out of the of the real-life body politic.

A real-life body politic which is….


And not a group of cynical, morally-bankrupt pols with nice ties, straight teeth and big fat media-manipulation contracts in their back pockets.

Not to mention a complete and utter contempt for the real citizenry.


And what will happen if we don’t call this stuff out for what it truly is, right here and right now?

Well, once we have a citizenry that is has known nothing but the politics of destruction for an entire generation (and make no mistake, we are almost halfway there right now in this country), they soon will be completely incapable of telling right from wrong, truth from lies, and myth from fact.

And once we reach that point they will be able to tell us anything they want and know we will cheer, even it means going all the way and turning negative, for real, on our fellow citizens.

With ultimate negatives like, say, this……


And do not think that we who have been paying attention did not notice that these attack ads, which actually don’t even make any sense on their face (i.e. does any thinking person actually believe that Mr. Cummins is NOT a conservative?), did not notice that they include taking a shot at Mr. Cummins for using his ‘offspring’ as political cover….Can you imagine the reaction if, for example, a dirty-rotten blogger was to make such an accusation about the current (not)Premier?


By RossK

Progressive Bloggers // Blogues progressistes