When Stephen Smart was throwing his Twitter-enabled hissy fit yesterday about (not)Premier Christy Clark’s decision to make her (non) election announcement ‘exclusively’ via a single carefully selected english-language TeeVee media organ and issues were raised about the lack of a response from the leader of the Opposition to that announcement, the head mouthpiece for said select organ, Mr. Keith Baldrey, defended himself thusly:

But here’s the thing……
Not to go all Mulroney on him or anything, but I can’t help but wonder what would have happened if, when approached by the (not)Premier’s office, Mr. Baldrey had just said…
“Thank-you for kind offer. However, this is not an investigative story, or even a backgrounder. Instead, it is an official announcement of import for all British Columbians. Thus, I would be happy to ask you questions at your press conference, instead.”
And what if Mr. Smart had said the same thing if the (not)Premier’s office had then called him next….
And then Mr. Beatty after him…
What would have happened then?
I must confess, I am not entirely sure what the outcome would have been if the Lotuslandian TeeVee elites had stood together for the collective public good, on principle.
Perhaps Ms Clark’s office would have gone after Uncle Dave, in the end.
Which would have been great, because I reckon that Mr. Berner would have eviscerated her given that he would not be happy about having his wall-to-wall tennis watching interrupted for, essentially, no good reason at all.