Capital Pride + a Baby Squirrel

Green Party of Ontario - Green and ProudI had a great time this weekend at Capital Pride. I've been participating for a few years now and it's fun to see how the Green Party contingent grows each year, and how it at least seems like the crowd is growing every year.

I liked the new route (the narrower street lets you interact more with both sides of the crowd) although I think it was better when we paraded past parliament.

It was great to see how many people came to support Capital Pride. The weather was not very inviting, there seemed to be more people in coats there this year than last year.

Having my face on our hand-out was interesting, quite a few "hey, that you!"s, I even met some people from Ottawa-Vanier, in Sandy Hill to be more specific.

We might not have the flashiest group of the three political parties but we more than make up for it by having the best policies:

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