The NDP’s platform is incomplete, which they admit, and I’ll get back to the rest of it when they bother to release it. I’m not sure if this is strategy or carelessness — I’m guessing strategy, but it’s reading like the latter.
The PCs have a complete platform, but are promising a supplement dealing with Northern Ontario issues. So, at least they’re ready to go.
The Libs have nothing whatsoever, but are promising something in early September. You’d think after all these years in power they’d have at least a sketch of what they wanted with another mandate — again, apparently not.
Of the parties that hold no seats, only the Greens have anything approaching a full and serious platform.
The Ontario Libertarian Party has… something. It’s called the 2010 platform, which doesn’t make any sense, so I’m assuming it’s an error. And the platform itself is appropriately insane. My favourite part is where they parrot Locke’s “life, liberty and property” and try to apply it to healthcare — omitting that Locke’s actual line is “life, health, liberty and property”, which rather changes things. It’s not particularly thoughtful libertarianism, just cartoon libertarianism — what has come to be called “glibertarianism”. Serious libertarians have interesting things to say, but this ain’t serious.
The Freedom Party of Ontario has the beginnings of a platform but — well, see for yourself; it’s a bit of a mess. Releasing the platform one plank at a time looks to me like they’re making it up as they go along — not the best way to earn votes and get attention when you’re a minor party.
The Northern Ontario Heritage Party — and Northern Ontario seems to be getting a lot of play from the major parties — has a sketch of what could be a platform. However, it’s all nebulous and highly aspirational.
The Communists have nothing whatsoever. I think they’re are still focused on the past federal election; documents relating to it are still on the site.
The Party for People with Special Needs doesn’t appear to have anything ready for the election. One wonders if they’re going to bother trying to field candidates.
The Family Coalition Party has only a set of general principles, and nothing approaching a platform.
The Reform Party of Ontario is promising a platform in July. Since it’s almost August, one hopes they’re getting right on that. Although, a blatant typo on the front page of their website doesn’t inspire confidence.
The Ontario Provincial Confederation of Regions Party has no webpresence, except for that linked Facebook page, which only refers to their Wikipedia entry. IPU knows if they’re still really a political party.
The same applies to the Republican Party of Ontario.
This is a little depressing, isn’t it? The largest province in Canada and we can’t get more than four parties to take an election seriously?