Scientists face death threats in Australia due to Climate Change views

The anti-science global warming deniers are getting desperate if not downright delirious. One can doubt that climate change is actually underway and question whether humans are at least partially responsible or our current climate situation. But to the right, it is not about debate. Their minds are made up. Fuelled by an aggressive and wealthy consortium of legacy fuel companies, the brainwashing against talk of climate change is staggering. The amount of misinformation being spread is unprecedented.

It’s not just the powerful oil companies that are instigating the fight against science. It’s also the right’s devotion to big business, even at the detriment of regular folk. But more than that is the religious angle. The concept of global warming is a threat unlike any other to what the right believes is messing with god’s will. You don’t mess with god. The Apocalypse is coming and trying to repair the earth is getting in the way not just of god’s plan but delaying end times.

In Australia, it’s becoming more and more dangerous to have the opinion that climate change may exist. Scientists who express their opinion that the earth is warming are the targets of massive campaigns against their persons by legacy fuel companies and fundamentalist leaders.

How can simply using science and expressing opinions be so threatening to the right? It’s all comes down to blind faith in god and an unbending supplication to big business. Up against such indiscriminate hate and ignorance of the crusade against the idea that climate is changing, it is scary indeed to talk science and invite a dialogue.

By Jymn

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