Photo Challenge 20 – Nostalgia

If there’s one thing I will not be, it’s nostalgic over this challenge.  This will go down as one that “seemed like a good idea at the time” but in fact has caused me much grief.  I really struggled.  But then again, maybe that was the point.

The theme was NOSTALGIC FOR FILM.  I’m not really nostalgic for film in any way, as I think the idea of messing about with all those chemicals and the sheer cost would keep me from taking pictures.  The idea was merely that we would have a limited number of exposures available to get a decent photograph, and would have to think harder before pressing the shutter.

Each photographer has submitted a set of three photo’s.  For those eligible to vote (entered in this or either of the two previous challenges) please pick your top two three sets. Others are more than welcome (encouraged, even!) to leave comments and votes as I will use these in case of a tie and we will all appreciate the feedback in any case.

The next challenge, set by Lisa Bourgault is OODLES, which is meant to mean multiples of the same item, like berries in a basket or something along those lines.  Have fun with it.  I’m looking forward to seeing whether we find some unique subjects for this theme.  The deadline for submissions is Wednesday June 15, 2011 at 7:00 Eastern.

Now enjoy the pics! And remember…

“Don’t just take pictures, make pictures!”

Donna Williamson: The Evolution of Film

Glenn Hubbers: The Long Walk Home

Jeannie Gane: Views of Canadian Spring

Kate Potter: June 1st on the Farm

Lisa Bourgault: A Day in Carmel

Mollie Fisher: Silver Beads on Green

Stephanie MacDonald: Smiling Faces

Wendy Taylor: Signs of Spring

UPDATE: June 11, 2011

Yet again we have 4 people who were elegible to vote (Elaina, Kim, Richard & Wendy) who have not, but only one of whom submitted pics for this round. I’m certain people have their reasons but want to make sure that you all understand that you are eligible to vote if you have submitted pics in the current round or either of the past two.

I was thinking about the math of the point system and realized that in a close race the leader could actually win by not voting since you can’t vote for yourself. It’s never happene, but it could. So I’ve decided to add the simple rule that you can’t win if you don’t vote. Seems fair.

Anyway, this race was by no means a close one. Mollie takes it in a landslide with Silver Beads on Green. Congrats to Mollie on her first win!!! And with your first pics with a new camera, too! We may all be in trouble! We look forward to what you have in mind for the upcoming theme. Be sure to send it to me with your OODLES pic.

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