June 2011

The Unmade Bed

The unmade bed tells a story, although I’m never sure whether it’s a coming-of-age story, a mystery, a thriller, or a book of rumpled poetry. Pillows askew, sometimes huddling on…

Just one day away

We’re just one day away from the House coming back for a short, budget-focused sitting. This is just as well as it will give MPs the summer to get accustomed…

Election by Numbers

I've updated my election spreadsheet, and will be posting some riding-by-riding analysis over the next while. For now, a list of somewhat interesting numbers from the last campaign:1: Ridings the…

Harper Marginalizes Canada

Two separate articles in recent days that confirm Harper's failure on the Israel/Palestine question. What we have witnessed may win certain domestic friends, but the lack of sophistication, the tin…

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