Make Kevin Falcon (And His Friends) Pay



Remember awhile back when Kevin Falcon, who replaced the shameless Colin Hansen as Finance Minister, would neither confirm nor deny that the previous PST exemptions would return if we, the people of British Columbia, were to smash those Stick-Men to smithereens with a Garth Butcherian cross-check to their non-existent pearly whites?
I’ll tell you, I am now willing to take the match penalty, because I just don’t give a crap anymore.
Hell, I am even willing to pay more income tax if that’s what it takes to fund things that matter to make up for the lost revenue that was never supposed to be part of the ‘revenue neutral’ aspect of the corrupt, stinking deal.
Why would I be willing to do such a thing?
But my favourite, which is the one that I figure will give Mr. Falcon the most pause and/or root canal-like pain, is this one:
Vote YES to have corporations pay their fair share.”

By RossK

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