Let’s all jump in the old Tardis and got back in time about eleven days.
Stephen Harper and his band of invisible communist fighters where waging the good fight; the fight against the Orange Crush.
Sir Stephen was all, “oh, an NDP government will cause the stock market to fall”; “the price of gas will go up”; “Businesses will flee”; and, “the gates of hell will open up and swallow all that is righteous and pure”.
But, if you give me my Majority, I will govern like a good little boobie and not do anything radical.
Well, in the ten days that have passed since Sir Stephen ascended to his position, the Stock Markets have tanked, the dollar has given ground, and commodities in general have gone into the shitter, and Harper has begun to dismantle the Canadian Wheat Board.
He also found time to come to Manitoba, stage a sand-bagless photo-op and depart promising exactly nothing in terms of compensation for those that may be sacrificed to the elements.
Then we learn today that Sir Stephen, defender of Canada, the Executive Class, and all that is pure, was talking all tough about Canada’s sovereignty in the Arctic, all the while Harper was kissing the asses of American Diplomats.
Then we have Boy Wonder, Tony Clement getting all tough, calling those nasty Oil Executives on the carpet to explain the recent (***understatement warning***) increases in the price of gas.
Meanwhile, those Oil Executives are giving the collective middle-finger to the US government over their plan to reduce the annual $21 Billion in subsidies afforded the oil companies.
The Conservatives say that they need their Majority to grow the economy. They get their Majority, the economy tanks.
The Conservatives say that they won’t do anything radical. They gt their Majority, and they immediately destroy the Canadian Wheat Board.
The Conservatives say that they are defending Canada’s Arctic. They get their Majority, and, whoops, just kidding folks.
Now we are to believe that Sir Stephen and Boy Wonder are going to go to bat against $1.40/litre gas against people that are blowing off the US government?
You would have to be a complete fool, or a CBC reporter to believe that line of bullshit. “Hey, what’s Ruth Ellen up to? “, ” Yeah, let’s do another story on her……”