More Proof That Good People Doing Good Things Matters…


This just in from Diana Mehta of the CP:

It’s been a week since Derek Miller died, but the British Columbia blogger’s last words — published after he lost a four-year battle with cancer — continue to stir emotions among millions around the world.

Miller’s “Last Post” was published on his blog by a friend on May 4, a day after the 41-year-old father of two died from complications of colorectal cancer in Burnaby, B.C.

Since then, the poignant post has received more than eight million hits while it continues to be linked on other blogs, re-tweeted and posted on Facebook…..

{snippety doodle dandy}

….Miller started writing his final message in January and made revisions to it up until two days before he died. None of his loved ones read it until it was posted online after his death.

Once his final message was publicly available though, the deluge of online traffic caused his site to crash several times as it received more than 6,000 requests per minute.

“It’s pretty overwhelming,” said (Derek’s wife )Airdrie Miller. “He would love this. He’s a bit of a ham and he would love the attention.”….

And so he should.

Love it I mean.

Because, clearly….

George Harrison was right.


And if you don’t believe me about that last bit, go and read Derek’s last post (again, if you need to) right down to… the…very…end.


By RossK

Progressive Bloggers // Blogues progressistes