I’ve signed up to be a delegate

Have you?
Also, hashtag needed for this convention.  #press7forpointoforder


Also, a propos of nothing at all, I’m going through a bit of a new music phase.  What’s the best new album of the last six months?  The lesser known the better please.

Also, I see Elvis Costello is coming to Ottawa.  Giddy up.

Also, special thanks to my friend Warren Kinsella at the Daisy Group for his kind words about me  yesterday.  I’m always amazed that Warren can repost my stuff and get more comments on his repostings than on my original postings.  This just goes to prove what I’ve known all along, which is that he is much better at this blog game than I am. 

Also, I’ve decided that this process of renewal should include my little website, and I need design help.  I want a better URL, but most of the James Bowie related URLS are long gone, which what The Alamo and Bowie State University and all.  My requirements are very basic, and I will pay.  If you’re interested in being my web person, please send me an email. 

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