Photo Challenge 18 – Water

WATER was a very apt theme for April, considering the way it’s been raining!  The pics are in and posted below.  Please let us know what you think in the comments

If you want to join in on the fun for the upcoming themes,  review the Rules are posted in the Photo Challenge link at the top of this page, and then send me a message via email or the contact form.

For those already participating, please feel free to encourage more of your photography inclined friends to join in as well.  More friends equals more fun!  Try sharing this post on your facebook page, so you can brag about your photo!

For eligible voters (if you’ve submitted a pic in this or one of the last two challenges) please vote on your top three choices.  As usual, I’ll post the results as soon as all the eligible votes are in or by next Wednesday, whichever comes first.  (Subject to the limitations of my spare time, of course!)

Theme #19, chosen by Kat Potter is LINES.

Submissions are due on Wednesday May 4, 2011 by 7:00 pm.

Now enjoy the pics! And remember…

“Don’t just take pictures, make pictures!”

UPDATE: April 27, 2011

Almost all of the eligible votes are in (with the notable exception of Jason, who picked the theme in the first place) and my shot, Splashdown, is the clear winner with Silver Stairs clearly in second place. Thanks for the votes, everyone! I’ll be posting a new theme when the LINES pics are posted next week.

Also in the works is a separate post on the setup I used to get the shot, so stay tuned for that.  I’ll include a few other shots from that session that I didn’t use.

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