Photo Challenge 17 – Picture within a Picture

The Picture within a Picture theme was a real challenge, or perhaps it’s just that my creativity is completely sapped by work these days.  In any case, the pics are in and posted below.  Please let us know what you think in the comments!

If you want to join in on the fun for the upcoming themes,  review the Rules are posted in the Photo Challenge link at the top of this page, and then send me a message via email or the contact form.

Please note that I have revised the Rules on April 7, so you should all check that out.

And for those already participating, please feel free to encourage more of your photography inclined friends to join in as well.  More friends equals more fun!  Try sharing this on your facebook page!

For eligible voters (if you’ve submitted a pic in this or one of the last two challenges) please vote on your top two choices.  As usual, I’ll post the results as soon as all the eligible votes are in or by next Wednesday, whichever comes first.  (Subject to the limitations of my spare time, of course!)

Theme #18, chosen by Jason Nodtvedt is WATER.

Submissions are due on Wednesday April 20, 2011 by 7:00 pm.

Now enjoy the pics! And remember…

“Don’t just take pictures, make pictures!”

UPDATE: April 15, 2011

Congratulations to Kate Potter for winning her own theme choice with Modern Look into Old Times!

Kate, please be sure to send me a new theme along with your submission for Water. Or if you’re having trouble choosing, I’m sure the others here would love to offer their suggestions to stir your imagination!

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