April 2011

Culture of Control

Source: CBC News: Ignatieff Slams Harper over ex-aide's ConvictionsSource: CTV News: PM Wouldn't have Hired Carson if he Knew his PastSource: CTV News: Harper Says he won't Revisit Abortion, Gay…

Wait Times

So what's been happening on the policy front during this election? Well, Stephen Harper and his party have the wealthy, healthy folk covered. Yes, he cares about them, or rather…

Wait Times

So what’s been happening on the policy front during this election? Well, Stephen Harper and his party have the wealthy, healthy folk covered. Yes, he cares about them, or rather…

On the teevee…

Given the ususal content found here, I realize that they're probably aren't a heck of a lot of regular visitors to this blog who watch Rogers Cable in Mississauga. But…

Electoral financing reform

From the CBC's website, my pal (and pretty smart guy) David Herle on Harper's proposal to scrap the current public subsidization of political parties. "The government of the day should…

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