April 2011

"Imagine Harper"

The Conservatives violated copyright laws in posting Harper's singing of Imagine by John Lennon and so it has been yanked from youtube. This video is inspired by that, by the…

"Imagine Harper"

The Conservatives violated copyright laws in posting Harper’s singing of Imagine by John Lennon and so it has been yanked from youtube. This video is inspired by that, by the…

Federal Job Application

Given the press that Harper is generating the past couple of weeks, with criminals as advisors and kicking out people from rallies for being, shall we say, not ideologically pure,…

He said What?

“Our financial and business risk outweighs our legal obligation.” - Regina Mayor Pat Fiacco, April 6, 2011 (Executive Committee, Regina City Council) Ummm, Pat, wrong answer! The United Steelworkers (USW)…

Stop Stephen the Creeper!

After all of yesterday’s controversy surrounding the expulsion of two students at a Conservative rally, the Liberals are seeking to capitalize on this opportunity to show Canadians the type of…

Stop Stephen the Creeper!

After all of yesterday's controversy surrounding the expulsion of two students at a Conservative rally, the Liberals are seeking to capitalize on this opportunity to show Canadians the type of…

Stop Stephen the Creeper!

After all of yesterday’s controversy surrounding the expulsion of two students at a Conservative rally, the Liberals are seeking to capitalize on this opportunity to show Canadians the type of…

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