March 2011


The CPC government hates the per-vote public subsidy. A lot. For two reasons. 1) They're ideologically opposed to spending money on democracy, because democracy = government 2) (and more importantly)…

Sharp Shinned Hawk?

Whooee! Well, friends an' foes, I looked out the back door yesterday afternoon an' seen this here hawk that just killed one o' the chipmunks that make my garage their…


It looks to me like Canada is again willing to pick a side in a nation’s civil war. This is a definite no-no in my book. If you don’t like…

Tea Party Tyrants

a little coverage for my American friends and worth considering for Canadians……..The elite are delighted with the Wisconsin situation. They rub their hands together gleefully as the last vestiges of…

Tea Party Tyrants

a little coverage for my American friends and worth considering for Canadians........The elite are delighted with the Wisconsin situation. They rub their hands together gleefully as the last vestiges of…

Tea Party Tyrants

a little coverage for my American friends and worth considering for Canadians……..The elite are delighted with the Wisconsin situation. They rub their hands together gleefully as the last vestiges of…

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