Keep Your ‘Net Neutral . . . .

Corporate USA is doing their damnedest to mess with your Internet for the benefit of their profit structure. You now have another chance to express your displeasure at this prospect.Via PC World today:

September 02, 2010 6:18 AM FCC Takes Net Neutrality to Court of Public Opinion (Again)By Tony Bradley, PC WorldThe FCC has opened the next chapter in the debate over net neutrality with a new Notice of Inquiry seeking public comments and feedback on specific aspects of the proposed rules. Net neutrality advocates, however, are becoming increasingly frustrated with the FCC dragging its feet rather than implementing change.The new FCC inquiry is in pursuit of specific feedback to clarify opinion on a couple of “under-developed issues” that came up during the negotiations with the ISPs and broadband industry, and as a result of the controversial Google-Verizon proposal. Specifically, the FCC wants input to get consensus on the concept of “specialized services” and application of net neutrality to wireless broadband service.

The electronic filing process is fairly simple – see page 6 of this PDF.Here’s the link for the e-file. (International comments are accepted.)Don’t let the corporate behemoths control your access to information based on their $hareholder’$ pur$uit of the almighty dollar . . . .

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